Anansi the spider loved his food. It never mattered if his wife Afua was a good cook. He still went about the village for more food. Until one day, his idea got him in trouble.
One day, Anasi the spider set out on a walk to the village pond. Spiders have good sense of smell. Using this sense, Anansi could smell food from very far. And he was never embarrassed to ask anyone for food.
He had not walk far from home when smelt the first food cooking........
I always promise not to spoil it for you. Listen on the podcast below or check here later this week for the reading on Youtube. Yes, we now have a Youtube channel and you can now watch me read to you. Can't wait for you to let me know what you think.
This week's story is from Ghana. It is a beautiful country located in West Africa. The story of Anansi, written in the Akan language. The names Anansi and Afua are names in the Akan language.
The story of Anansi is a collection of adventures by the tiny spider and have been used for hundreds of years to teach children morals. This week's story, is just one of the adventures of Anansi. You will get more Anansi stories from future episodes.
Anansi was very greedy and got more than he wanted. We do not want to be like the greedy spider. Interestingly our character last week, was also greedy. We talked about greed last week. You may want to read last week's episode webpage.
Since our main character this week is a spider, it will be a good thing to talk about spiders. Here are some facts I pulled from my instagram post back in May.
"The spider is not my favourite animal, I can’t stand their web on my walls and ceiling or cupboards.
But as I read about them and their amazing web that are the envy of engineers and material scientists, I cannot help but ponder about the amazing story these creatures carry with them.
They make their web to catch their prey. Location and conditions may not be ideal but they keep spinning. They never worry that some wind or human may come the very next morning to clean out their web. And when this happens they find another location and start a new project.
Although, I may never like them or their web, the lesson in hard work, perseverance and resilience I cannot ignore. And when winds of adversity or disappointments come I hope to move to another location and carry on as the spider.
As I clean out their amazing structure, I am thankful to the amazing Designer of these little creatures."
Spiders belong to a group of animals called anthropoids. That means they have a hard outer covering known as exoskeleton. Besides spiders, other animals that belong to this group are insects and crustaceans( these are animals like crabs, lobsters, crayfish, prawn and krill).
They spin a silky net called spider’s web to trap their prey. They eat insects. So, when an insects gets stuck on the spider’s web, the spider reaches out and catch it for food. Larger spiders eat birds, lizards, worms and frogs.
Spiders produce venom in their saliva that they use mainly to catch their prey. In the most part they do not target humans unless disturbed when we try to catch them. Most spiders do not produce venom that harm humans but they are a few though that we should stay away from. Read about the deadliest ones here.
Get books about spiders from your library. Or look for videos on spiders online and write down some fun facts about spiders.
Also, your picture this week is picture of a spider of your choice. Share you work here or tag me on social media below. Have fun with these activities.
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And finally, if you have any spider picture or story to share, use the box below:
Do you have a picture, facts or a story about spiders? Please share it!
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