Hi there, my name is Ngozi Edema, children’s book author, self-publishing coach, food blogger and an online business entrepreneur.
I love travelling, meeting people of varied culture and trying out new recipes. I use my little space here to talk about my books and storytelling engagements.
I look forward to sharing my areas of interests with you and I hope you will drop by often.
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Grief, productivity and loss: the healing power of self-care to help you navigate deep emotions like grief and get back on track with what you need to do!
Continue reading "Grief, Productivity And Loss While Writing And Running A Business"
You can unlock creativity as a tool to help you cope with stress and manage time.
Continue reading "Unlocking Creativity As A Tool For Stress Relief"
Delegating and outsourcing your tasks allows you to focus on the tasks that only you can do—whether it’s growing your business, spending quality time with your family.
Continue reading " Delegating And Outsourcing Your Tasks is Essential? #3"
A time audit can help you identify where your time goes, eliminate distractions, and focus on what truly matters.
Continue reading "How A Time Audit Can Revolutionize The Way You Manage Your Day! #1"
Time Management Tips for Entrepreneurs with ADHD. In today's episode, we talk about working around this we are tackling a challenge many entrepreneurs face.
The Minute Mastery Podacst Resources to help you master the clock
The Minute Mastery Podcast is created to help you manage time and make space for what truly matters. The Minute Mastery is going to be a weekly podcast.
How to get things done when you feel like you are juggling a thousand tasks and still not getting everything done!
Continue reading "How to Get Things Done with Strategic Planning"
The secrets of book marketing I wish I knew before I wrote my first book!
Continue reading "The Secrets of Book Marketing I Wish I Knew Before "
How to publish a children's book from idea to publish, going one bite at a time
Step by step guide that will help you create your beautiful story. Your framework to get you started,
Continue reading "Step By Step Guide to Writing Your Children’s Book"
10 storybook ideas for children's book you can use now!
Why Character development is essential? Yep, it’s hard work, but the payoff is HUGE! Let’s unlock the secrets to creating unforgettable characters together
Continue reading "Why Character Development is Essential, And You Can Master It!"
What is the relationship between clarity and time management? Clarity means having a clear vision of your priorities and goals. You know where to invest time!
Continue reading "Clarity And Time Management For Busy Moms #2"
Official website of Ngozi Edema.
Continue reading "Official Website of Ngozi Edema - Storyteller, Author And Coach"
Do-it-yourself-publishing lets you take the driver's seat from start to finish. You can unleash your creativity, connect with readers directly,
The importance of play in early childhood cannot be over emphasized. Through play, children are able to explore the world around them, develop their social skills
Help a struggling reader to explore new opportunities to become a better human being! Reading skills empower people to move to the next level.
Why manage screen time? Everyone is on a device all day. How can we manage this?
About me? Thanks for visiting my little space on the web. I am an author, and host to a storytelling podcast for kids, Storytelling with Ngozi.
Why are moms so busy? As soon as you carry that tiny individual in your womb, your life changes forever! Busyness becomes your lifestyle. And many times,
Traditional vs Self-publishing, which is best for you? It depends on what you want and the opportunities you get. Start by understanding how each of them works.
The best self-publishing company? Well, you may need to find out how self-publishing works. You do not need a company to help you self-publish.........
How self-publishing works| Self-publishing is the publishing of a book by its author. It is a beautiful concept with great opportunities for anyone looking....
Learned helplessness is a condition where a person who has gone through a series of traumatic experiences give up. They stop trying......
Time is one of the few things in life that makes us equal. We all have a 24-hour portion. You cannot have more or less than the other person. How you use yours is entirely up to you!
Are you considering whether to self-publish your first book or not? Self-publishing has taken the world by surprise since 2007. If you want control of your book
How to write a book? When you learn the strategy involved in doing anything, you take the scare out of it. Let us take a look at what you need to write a book!
Continue reading "Write A Book? Go From First Draft To Self-Publish"
Now you can shop for Ngozi Edema's books from this website and enjoy discounts as well when you buy two or more books.
How self-publishing works? Self-publishing is when an author independently makes their book or any written media available to the public without the help of a traditional publisher.
Is checking out a self-publishing school right for you? Yes, it is always right to check out things before making commitments. It is best to cry now, than later.
What you focus on becomes your reality! It may determine whether you take action or not. When and how fast you get your desired results. Your lens and the angle of your focus are necessary factors. The way you see things ultimately affects you.
Continue reading "Why Your Focus Becomes Your Reality And What You Should Do"
7 Busy mom hacks to get you organized. An organized set-up in your home saves you time and money. Your resourceful approach with your resources keeps you ahead.
Perfectionism is seen by many as a positive thing. Why? The word perfect connotes excellence, trying to be or do one's best. However, perfectionism is.....
Continue reading "Insane How Perfectionism Stalls Innovation"
I post a lot of stuff that are important to me on instagram, I want you to find these easily using one link, one click. My little corner to tell stories, and self-publish
Hybrid work option - the ability to work from home a few days a week and onsite the rest of the week is becoming very popular. Do you like this option as a mom?
Continue reading "Hybrid Work: Moms, Which Do You Prefer? Work From Home Or On-Site?"
Imposter syndrome is the inner doubt a person experiences that they lack the competence or capabilities to pursue a certain cause.......
Continue reading "Imposter Syndrome? #3 Secrets To Fixing It You Should Try Now!"
What is self-publishing? It is the publication of a book, magazine, or any other written media by the author. It may be digital or hard copy.
Continue reading "Self-Publishing? Everything You Need to Know!"
Mom over 40 | Forgive me if you think I am a bit too obsessed with moms over 40. I am over 40 myself! And I love this. I am more confident today.................
Inspire your beginner reader to develop an insatiable desire to read by choosing the best books in that genre. Check this list out!
Continue reading "Amazing Books Every Beginner Reader Should Read"
Sensory play is any play that stimulates the main senses in a human. The senses include touching, smelling, tasting, seeing, hearing or balancing......
Mcdonald seeds were the best of a pack of seeds that a farmer planted. He gave them everything to make them grow. Whereas some seeds tried to grow, others gave up along the way.
Continue reading "Mcdonald Seeds Teach Children Growth Mindset"
Freddy and the veggies, a cute story of why a little boy became friends with some vegetables. Who knows those veggies might soon become your child's best friends and superheroes too!
The ants and hungry grasshopper story, a lesson in hard work, self-discipline, and resilience. Check out the story.......
Androcles was a slave to the merchant Felix. Felix treated his slaves harshly and Androcles decided to run away risking a heavy consequence for running away.......
Ifeoma and the cursed forest is the tale of a little girl, who went into a place she was not supposed to, ignoring her mom's instructions, find out what happens next.
The Jackdaw is one of the smallest birds known to man. But what happens when a jackdaw tries to be an eagle? Find out in this week's story at Storytelling with Ngozi.
Internet safety for kids| The internet is both a wonderful and scary place for everyone. It is the fastest-growing technology known to man and rightly so.
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