Ash the ant was King of the ants. One day, he had to send a letter to the other ants. Was he inviting them to a party? Was he asking them to come for a play date? Was he asking them to tell him a story?
Well, we don't know until we hear the story. Without spoiling it for you, I will let you listen to the story and we can talk about it afterwards.
It is a beautiful thing to have people live around us. If we live on our own, it could be boring. Having other people around though has its problems. We all have different ways of doing things. And we may not welcome other people's ideas or solutions which might look silly or weird. If we must get things done, though, we may have to let go of our own ideas sometimes.
The ants are amazing creatures. They live in special ant cities called colonies. Within each colony, the ants work together in ways we can learn from. They have a king and a queen, they have soldiers and have ants whose job it is to look for food for the entire city. They never bump into each other or argue amongst themselves who is greater or whose job it is to clean or get the food. They work together and are able to get things done.
In this week's episode though, different ants from different colonies met to talk about a problem. They could not solve it as they were all talking on top of the other. Each group of ants felt their ideas were better than the other. So the problem continued.
All you dear little ones should learn to listen to other people. It will make you happier.
And if you are a parent, if your child comes complaining about a sibling, first encourage them to talk with their siblings themselves. If they cannot resolve the issue on their own, you can then come in. Still, prompt them to find a solution themselves.
The problem could be who gets the first pancake, or who gets the first turn, or some other thing like "he said my doll is ugly."
You could ask them what they could do to make the situation better? Even very little kids have some sense of fairness.
Questions like this could help them reason things out themselves: How will you have preferred the other person to treat you? Or what could you have done differently? if you want to be treated nicely, then, you should treat others nicely.
If we teach them well, they will grow up to be adults that are great at conflict resolutions, negotiations and able to keep and have better relationships. All the best in your parenting great kids.
What do you know about ants? Do you have a favourite? Draw a picture of your favourite ant and tell us what you know about them. And you may get a prize for that. And if you are parent support our patreon at:
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