Struggling With Kids Stucked At Home?

Wow! What distressing times we all have to put up with the covid-19 pandemic. Many of us have never seen anything in the like of this, and the huge stress it brought our way. Now,both us and our kids are stucked at home with no forseeable end in view.

This is the sort of time that kids spend all their day in front of a screen because it is the easiest go-to place for parents and kids alike. I have been an advocate for reduced screen time for kids, however, realistically they must have some controlled screen time if they have to be home all day (with everything shut down in many places) for an extended period of time.

Many schools have been great giving us resources and ideas on what to do in terms of school work. If your kids school have made such provisions please use them. Create a customised schedule of activities to do at this time, as you may already know, children thrive on well-planned routine.

Kids Stuck At Home Sample Schedule

     10 Free Or Almost Free Activities
For Kids Stucked At Home

  • Let them do chores. I place this as number one as although, basic but often overlooked what better time could there be for you to teach them the lifelong skills of cooking, washing, cleaning and budgeting. They will thank you for it when they become responsible adults. Even little children can help with age-appropriate chores. Let your kids stuck at home time count.
  • Let them make a list of people they can write a letter. Letter writing is so rare these days. However, many hearts will melt getting an I-miss-you letter from a kid. Please encourage them to write a letter to a teacher, an elderly friend or children in the hospital. Observe safety regulations when doing this.
  • Play outside, no matter the weather. Experts believe there are benefits in children playing outside. They learn about the seasons, they become resilient, and they become active later in life, contributing positively to their overall health. Take a walk, bike or play in your backyard.
  • Create an indoor gym. Dance, jump, skip if you have room to do this, play catch, create an obstacle course game with different objects you have at home, get ideas here. Mum need exercise too!
  • Let them build their fort. A little indoor hideout to eat, nap, play and watch tv. The kids are in charge of constructing while you be the safety manager. Get ideas online. I like these two, Chatter Block and Real Simple.
  • Craft is one of the almost free activities as you may need to buy materials or tools for crafting if you do not already have these. For the most part, you may already have the stuff you need. Since I have zero ideas on crafting, I follow people like Heidi Kundin, who is also a mum. This month, she sending craft ideas every day for 30 days. Make use of the opportunity. It is already day 2, and my seven-year-old daughter is having so much fun crafting.
  • Play board games. Most of us already have board games and this is is the time to get them out. My daughter loves playing math games using cards. Go online and get ideas. It is fun!
  • Please encourage them to play with the toys they already have. Children are naturally creative when there are no screens to distract. They create their fantasy, like having tea with barbie, party with the princesses in Cinderella's carriage, or some spiderman or car racing games. They can spend the whole day doing this, and you can get on with other things.
  • Engage in some science experiments, if it is safe to do so. If the weather permits, you may also look into planting some vegetables. Help them develop some green fingers. If you can, get a subscription where your kids receive different experiments to try each month. Check out my favourite when you subscribe here.
  • Read a book together. Basic but adds to the fun and bonding.
  • For the most part, you may already have everything you need to create fun for your kids. With careful planning, you will learn it does not take much to impress them. The list is undoubtedly not exhaustive you may have other great ideas. Please share below.

Kids Stucked Indoors?

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