How do you overcome self-sabotage and boost productivity? Have you ever been in that space where you know something does not work, but you keep doing it anyway? This is a form of self-sabotage. In this episode, Kay Phillips gives insight on how to overcome self-sabotage and boost productivity.
My guest in this episode, is Kay Phillips and understands this space very well!
she is a business coach/consultant for Sonoprenos, and independent agent who wants to build their vision board-worthy business. She specializes in helping her clients identify the needle-movers in their business and equip them with the tangible tools or tactics that they need to conquer their goals with grit and grace. She helps them commit to today, not someday.
She also describes herself as anti BS coach, business coach, ADHD powered productivity pool and the farmer of chaos. Interesting.
I asked her: How did you become all of this?
And she said: A lot of it is just personal experience. being one of the few females who was diagnosed back in the 90s with ADHD, but there was not a lot known about it. So she kind of figured out from there, that's kind of where the anti BS comes from a little bit too, is just cutting through a lot of the fluff and all of the misconceptions and like should do's or should work kind of things out there and having to figure out how to be productive and manage oneself as a business owner.
And then also she has a small farm with chickens, cows, cats, dogs and all that fun stuff. So there is always something going on and her life. It feels a little chaotic with the ADHD. She descrbes inside her head as chaotic and now the outside matches that pretty well too.
If we are to overcome self-sabotage and boost productivity, we need to be aware of sneaky time-wasters that feel like work.
So, those are something we all fall prey to, whether you are a business owner or not, but especially if you a business owner, and whether people with ADD or ADHD or not. It is typically the creative, ambitious, kind of oo-shiny type people who end up being business owners because we are looking for a bigger challenge. And so we all fall prey to this pretty regularly.
And Kay calls it...Pre-crastination because a lot of times it feels like work, but it is not something that actually brings in clients or revenue or does anything tangible for your business, at least not in the short run. One of her personal favorite kind of guilty pleasures when it comes to the pre-crastination or like sneaky work that is not actually work is a real good YouTube rabbit hole learning how to do something in her business that she have not done before.
It will not generate any money. It is a long-term thing and it is not even part of her core business model. And for about, a year or two ago it was starting a newsletter. And so she took a copywriting course and learned everything she could about copywriting from YouTube. And then it was about a year later when she actually started the newsletter because she went way too deep. She learned how to be a copywriter when she is a coach, not a copywriter. So it is a good skill to have, but it definitely wasted the better part of a week with that particular rabbit hole.
It looks different for everybody, which is why it can be really complicated for anyone to learn off of YouTube or a book or something like that. Because whether you have, ADHD or not, nothing is the same for everybody. So you have to find what works for you. I know there is a lot of people out there that have, about five planners a year and they only get a couple months into each planner before they want to go get a new one. Or they have tried all of the tools, like Notion, or Asana. They have tried all the softwares out there and they only last for a few months. And it is because they are trying to fit themselves into a system rather than manage their energy and their creativity.
So it is a little bit time management and a lot more energy management. And since we all have different energy needs and energy drains, our productivity is going to always look a little different. And of course that comes with shifting the mindset a little bit too. You know, the constant need to be working. People have through the school systems kind of mistaken presence for productivity.
So just because you are sitting in front of your screen for eight hours a day does not mean you are going to make money. It does not mean you are gonna make more money if you sit in front of your screen for 10 hours a day. That would be nice, but that is not quite how it works. And we are not taught how to be effective with our energy and therefore with our time. And that is something that Kay work with a lot of her clients on is getting down to four, six hours a day maximum on average for their work because they tend to make more money when they work less.
We all love our comfort zone—it is familiar, safe, and predictable. But real growth happens when we step beyond it, challenge ourselves, and take intentional action. As Kay shared, success is not about doing more, but about focusing on what truly moves the needle. So today, take one small step outside your comfort zone—whether it is improving your time management, networking authentically, or tackling that task you have been avoiding.
If you enjoyed this interview, be sure to connect with Kay on Instagram and check out her website
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