Episode 8 The Minute Mastery

Let Us Debunk The Myth of Time Scarcity Episode 8 of The Minute Podcast

The myth of time scarcity, how often do you hear people blame a lack of time for their inability to accomplish a task? But is that correct? Absolutely not!

Because time isn’t running out — it’s about how we choose to spend it. 

On this week’s episode, we break down the myth of “not having enough time” and revealing the secrets to reclaiming control of your schedule. 

I heard you. You are overwhelmed, juggling a million things, wondering if you will ever have time for yourself. But guess what? You are not alone, and there is a way to take back control. Let us talk about how you can create time for what truly matters—without the stress.

Years ago i convinced myself into believing that with 3 young children, a side hustle and many other things going on in my life at the the time, I do not have time to write a book I had in my head for over a decade. I have since come to understand that I do not have enough time is a myth.

The secret to creating time lies in strategy and intentional planning. You wake up determined to get everything done today… but before you know it, it’s 9 PM, and your to-do list is untouched. Sound familiar? 

Most people don’t struggle with time management because they are lazy. They struggle because they don’t understand how time actually works. So, in this episode, let us consider the problem, then, the  solution– how to fix it.

The Problem: The Myth of Time Management

Why Does Time Feels Out of Control?

  1. It is not because you do not manage time. It’s about managing priorities.
  2. Think about it – we all have the same 24 hours. The difference between successful, productive people and those who feel overwhelmed isn’t time. It’s how they prioritize their tasks.
  3. And here is what to keep in mind from this section:  If you don’t control you use time, someone else will.

How to Fix The Myth of Time Scarcity

Solution – A Simple Fix: The MIT Method:

M stands for Most. I for Important and T for Task. This can be done in three simple steps:

Step 1: Identify Your Most Important Task and that starts from the night before (MIT) 

Before you go to bed, each nigh spend about 15 minutes to plan your morning. If you are clear from the night before you are less anxious in the morning and you work with intention

Every Morning.

  • Before you do anything, ask yourself: “If I could only accomplish one thing today, what would it be?”
  • That’s your MIT – your Most Important Task.

Step 2: Do It First.

  • Block out 90 minutes in the morning for deep focus on this one task. No emails, no distractions, no social media.

 Step 3: Cut the Clutter.

  • 80% of what’s on your to-do list doesn’t matter. Stop treating every task as urgent. Focus on what actually moves you forward.

Yes, I don't have time was my go-to excuse for not getting tasks done! 

I used to think I had a time management problem. But the truth? I had a focus problem. I was busy but not productive. First, I got a coach who turned out to be my accountability partner. Everyone needs a person like that. It is not judging you is helping you focus on the tasks that moves the needle so you are not in an amstar wheel. Oh! my son had an amstar years ago. And each time I watched it spinning like that, I literally got reminded of me spinning around and not being productive!

What to do Next?

No one was born with time management skills. We all can learn, making small changes everyday. 

 So, try this method soon and let me know in the comment section on YouTube what you think. What is your MIT!

Do you want a step-by-step system to master your time and finally stay on top of your goals? I have put together a free guide on how to master time management and work with intention. Please download it below!

If you’re serious about transforming how you manage your time, I offer a 1-on-1 coaching to help you create a productivity system that works for you. Check out the details when you receive the guide.

Did you know you can watch all episodes of the minute podcast on YouTube? You could either listen to the podcast or watch on YouTube. Click below to watch Debunking The Myth of Time Scarcity.

Also, before you leave, please checkout my book, Mel The Monkey And The Alligator

Mel the monkey 3D

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