Minute Mastery Episode 10

How to Transition Into a New Career Overcoming
Fear And Change.

When you transition into a new career with no guide, it is like a fish stepping out of the ocean to discover dry land. If there is no intervention, someone supporting the fish, it will be fatal. 

 I once tried to figure it out on my own. I did a lot of trial and error, a lot of wasting of time, not knowing what to do, abandoning several projects. But what if you have someone pointing you in the right direction, going one minute at a time? You will figure it out in good time and start settling into your new job.

Joining me in this episode, is Shannon Russell. She is a career transition business coach and CEO of Second Act Success Coaching. She is a former TV producer and have pivoted her career from the entertainment industry to entrepreneurship. And today she is helping people, especially women, pivot from one career to the other. 

In this episode we will be covering 

  1. How to navigate career transitions?
  2. Empowering stay-at-home parents.
  3. Overcoming fear and embracing change.
  4. Creating a roadmap for success.

If you are a new entrepreneur, or you are dreaming of becoming one, or just stepping out of your present role because it is no longer working. Please grab your seat and join in in this conversation. Because our careers should not define us it is a means that helps us meet certain obligation but it should never define you.

And if you are researching what to do next, I am a time management coach, I can help you create time to learn new skills and start moving one minute at a time. You can also download my time-blocking guide to get you started in organizing your time, one minute at a time.

How Can Your Skills Help You Transition Into a New Career

Shannon helps her clients identify the skills of not only what they are good at at their current job or maybe past jobs, but what they want to continue to do because you can really be good at something and not want to pursue it any further. So, her suggestion is to be looking for something else while you are working because you are earning that paycheck and you can start to do your research.

And when you research your skills,  write each one down. Make two lists on a piece of paper, writing everything that you do, things that you have done in the past or do currently that you really enjoy. And then things that you no longer want to do. You can be excellent at money but not want to work on budgets moving forward. Make a note of that as you make the  decision on what you will finally commit to doing!

Shannon transitioned as a TV producer into coaching people using the same sets of skills. She just had to look at how each skill fits into her current role. And she can help you do that too, if you are just starting out.

Overcoming Fear As You Transition Into a New Career

Fear often prevents us from moving forward.  Pivoting from what you know to the unknown, is scarry, especially when we choose a career in our 20s, right? Or when we are in high school or college. And then we realize, now that I am a parent and in my 30s, 40s, 50s, et cetera, this just does not fit anymore. And then there's that scariness of that career identity. And I always say, no, our career is not our identity. We are first a sister, a partner, a mom, et cetera, were more than just what we do for our career.

So it is just that figuring out that you can do the research now while you are working to see what else you might want to do. And that research about the business or another career move will lead to that confidence for you to really say, okay, I did the research. This really seems like a great option for me for my next act. Let me pursue it.

So it is doing that research, looking at your skills, and giving yourself that permission to make a change. Do it in a way that it doesn't have to wreak havoc across your household. It doesn't have to affect everyone else. That is wh a lot of women feel like, I don't want to rock the boat. Everything's OK right now. Let me suck it up until there's a perfect time down the road. But by doing your research and maybe starting a side hustle or taking a class to learn a little bit more about an industry you are interested in, then you will get that confidence and you can start moving forward methodically now rather than you wait 20 years from now to start.

3 Takeaways to Help You Transition Into a New Career

  1. You need a guide for transitioning to entrepreneurship. Please ask questions. Ask the right person and that will save you time as you transition.
  2. Trial and error is a common part of the journey. Even when you are guided, be willing to try out different things. Research different ideas until you find what feels comfortable.
  3. Identifying transferable skills is crucial for career change. Everyone has something to offer. As you interact with people and finding simple solutions for various tasks, you develop skills you can use elsewhere. Be on the lookout for those skills.

Please connect with Shannon through her website  .

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